BHT Building Consultancy have recently completed Schedule of Conditions acting on behalf of both Tenant and Landlord. Director, Jack explains the benefits for both a Landlord and a Tenants having a Schedule of Condition completed prior to a new tenancy being granted:
On behalf of a Commercial Prop Co. Landlord we have completed the Schedule of Condition of 29-31 James Street, Harrogate, a prominent retail street in Harrogate town centre. The schedule recorded the condition of the property prior to a new lease being granted to perspective incoming tenants. The property falls within Harrogate’s Conservation area and has several original external ornate features which required the condition recording as well as the internal configuration recording prior to any refurbishment. Upon expiration of any future lease the Landlord’s property is protected by the photographic and descriptive Schedule and will ensure the property is put back into the same good repairing condition as at lease commencement. The schedule would need to be agreed by a new incoming tenant and appended to the lease. A benefit of a Landlord being pro-active and preparing a schedule in advance of Heads of Terms/a new Lease being granted a time saving is achieved, ideal for speed critical completions.
We were instructed by an incoming tenant, Period Portraits, to undertake a detailed Schedule of Condition on the busy retail street of Kirkgate, Tadcaster following building repair works to the property. The works undertaken by the Landlord were to make the building wind and watertight but did not extend to full refurbishment of the property. We were therefore able to identify workmanship and other significant defects and record the condition of the property prior to occupation. The document, which contains photographic evidence as well as detailed descriptions, is then appended to the lease for future reference. The report will therefore limit Period Portraits repair obligations upon vacation of the premises, minimizing the risk of them being liable for costs arising at the end of the tenancies for repairs to bring the sites up to a higher standard than they were at lease commencement.
For further information about how BHT Building Consultancy can assist either as a Landlord or Tenant please get in touch with Jack Margerrison.